Anyone else noticed this word gets bandied about more than naked photos of Prince Harry?
Well, at least in equestrian circles. Whenever the chat room, keyboard divas start flinging the mud at each other this is the word that gets dragged in first. But what does it actually mean?
I could give you my opinion, but who would care?
Instead I looked it up in several dictionaries and the general consensus of opinion is;
‘of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Greek and Roman antiquity: classical literature; classical languages. ‘
So somewhere along the line dressage got added into the list. Fair enough. But just because it was how the Greeks did, it does it mean it’s right? Or correct? (Apparently the Greeks were also the first to write about the pleasures of sex and not sex just for procreation. It was only later that the Romans pointed out that it was fun with women too). According to the keyboard divas and quite a few others, if it’s not ‘classical’ then it’s not correct.
I take umbrage with this attitude. A few years ago I was giving a demonstration to a group and one rather irate ‘classical’ fanatic was seething because she didn’t agree with what I was saying. Her final attempt to get me to see that I was courting the ways of Satan and not being ‘classical’ she shouted;
“That is NOT how Xenophon says how it should be done!” (Note for anyone who doesn’t know Xenophon = bloke who wrote the first book about training horses humanely. Although some will argue this by saying it was Simon the Greek who wrote the first one and the Xenophon dude nicked it off him). My reply to her was;
“They were also trying all sorts of surgical procedures at that time, would you like Xenophon’s doctor-mate to perform your next transplant? Or at least use the medical books that were about at that time for guidance?”
She left the building.
Seriously, does it have to be that just because it was done a few thousand years ago that it is the only ‘right’ way? The Spanish Riding School of Vienna have a reputation for being only classical. Fair enough. About 30 years ago I attended an ‘advanced training course’ for young dressage trainers, (quit laughing, I was young once), hosted by the British Horse Society and one of their top coaches of the time.
“Oh,” said senior coach, “I see YOU are doing that leg yielding exercise…”
“Er, yes, where I work we find it very useful for several things with the horses.”
“Well,” she said, “ the B.H.S. has adopted the methods of the Spanish Riding School as it’s doctrine and they do NOT advocate this leg yielding.”
Followed by smirks and much tittering from the non-leg yielding students. (Me given the pointy hat and put on the naughty step.)
Fast forward thirty years and what’s going on? The world has gone leg yielding crazy. It’s in the rule books, the dressage tests. Olympic riders rave about it. Can I come off the naughty step now please? So let me get this right. Thirty years ago I was not ‘classical.’ But all the non-leg yielder’s were?
Now, even though they are leg yielder’s can they still claim they are classical? Am I using the ‘classical’ system now that leg yielding appears to be in? Wait a minute. Does this mean that as more knowledge, documentation and proof comes forward that something can actually work better than previously thought if we ADD to it?
Well what a concept.
I rather find this classical bunch tend to cherry pick the bits they like, and turn a blind eye to the parts they don’t, similar to bible pounders.
Do I think the classical system (whatever it is) is wrong? No.
Do I train classically? Depends who you ask, but probably not.
Do I train ‘correctly’? I don’t know. Depends who you ask.
Do I train incorrectly? Some might say so if it doesn’t agree with what ‘they’ do.
So how do I train/work with horses?
I think like most other riders. I do it to the best of my ability. Using the most humane system I know of. Treating the horses with kindness, dignity and respect. Using up to date research and data. Listening and watching others that I respect and add anything I see them using that I believe looks beneficial. Frankly I think most riders/trainers are trying to sing from the same hymn.
Here is a quote from my old chum Udo Burger;
“Let us always guard our tongue. Riders are more sensitive to criticism of their riding ability than they are to accusations of theft and dishonesty. We can lose a friend for life by being critical of their riding. Self criticism should give anybody MORE than enough to think about.”
So, the next time you hear someone saying,
“THAT’S not classical..!”
Do me a favour and give them a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
Right, enough said. I’m off for a classic pint of beer.
Just saying like...
I could give you my opinion, but who would care?
Instead I looked it up in several dictionaries and the general consensus of opinion is;
‘of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Greek and Roman antiquity: classical literature; classical languages. ‘
So somewhere along the line dressage got added into the list. Fair enough. But just because it was how the Greeks did, it does it mean it’s right? Or correct? (Apparently the Greeks were also the first to write about the pleasures of sex and not sex just for procreation. It was only later that the Romans pointed out that it was fun with women too). According to the keyboard divas and quite a few others, if it’s not ‘classical’ then it’s not correct.
I take umbrage with this attitude. A few years ago I was giving a demonstration to a group and one rather irate ‘classical’ fanatic was seething because she didn’t agree with what I was saying. Her final attempt to get me to see that I was courting the ways of Satan and not being ‘classical’ she shouted;
“That is NOT how Xenophon says how it should be done!” (Note for anyone who doesn’t know Xenophon = bloke who wrote the first book about training horses humanely. Although some will argue this by saying it was Simon the Greek who wrote the first one and the Xenophon dude nicked it off him). My reply to her was;
“They were also trying all sorts of surgical procedures at that time, would you like Xenophon’s doctor-mate to perform your next transplant? Or at least use the medical books that were about at that time for guidance?”
She left the building.
Seriously, does it have to be that just because it was done a few thousand years ago that it is the only ‘right’ way? The Spanish Riding School of Vienna have a reputation for being only classical. Fair enough. About 30 years ago I attended an ‘advanced training course’ for young dressage trainers, (quit laughing, I was young once), hosted by the British Horse Society and one of their top coaches of the time.
“Oh,” said senior coach, “I see YOU are doing that leg yielding exercise…”
“Er, yes, where I work we find it very useful for several things with the horses.”
“Well,” she said, “ the B.H.S. has adopted the methods of the Spanish Riding School as it’s doctrine and they do NOT advocate this leg yielding.”
Followed by smirks and much tittering from the non-leg yielding students. (Me given the pointy hat and put on the naughty step.)
Fast forward thirty years and what’s going on? The world has gone leg yielding crazy. It’s in the rule books, the dressage tests. Olympic riders rave about it. Can I come off the naughty step now please? So let me get this right. Thirty years ago I was not ‘classical.’ But all the non-leg yielder’s were?
Now, even though they are leg yielder’s can they still claim they are classical? Am I using the ‘classical’ system now that leg yielding appears to be in? Wait a minute. Does this mean that as more knowledge, documentation and proof comes forward that something can actually work better than previously thought if we ADD to it?
Well what a concept.
I rather find this classical bunch tend to cherry pick the bits they like, and turn a blind eye to the parts they don’t, similar to bible pounders.
Do I think the classical system (whatever it is) is wrong? No.
Do I train classically? Depends who you ask, but probably not.
Do I train ‘correctly’? I don’t know. Depends who you ask.
Do I train incorrectly? Some might say so if it doesn’t agree with what ‘they’ do.
So how do I train/work with horses?
I think like most other riders. I do it to the best of my ability. Using the most humane system I know of. Treating the horses with kindness, dignity and respect. Using up to date research and data. Listening and watching others that I respect and add anything I see them using that I believe looks beneficial. Frankly I think most riders/trainers are trying to sing from the same hymn.
Here is a quote from my old chum Udo Burger;
“Let us always guard our tongue. Riders are more sensitive to criticism of their riding ability than they are to accusations of theft and dishonesty. We can lose a friend for life by being critical of their riding. Self criticism should give anybody MORE than enough to think about.”
So, the next time you hear someone saying,
“THAT’S not classical..!”
Do me a favour and give them a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
Right, enough said. I’m off for a classic pint of beer.
Just saying like...